Thursday, April 23, 2009

Jennifer Lloyd

This morning we had the pleasure of having Jennifer Lloyd at the library. We had the grade 3 class from Merton attend the workshop. They were an amazing audience! Jennifer read from her 2 books - Looking for Loons and One Winter Night. After the readings, Jennifer had a craft for the kids to do which kept them quite occupied. A big thank you to Blue Metropolis for including us in their author tour and to Jennifer for coming to our library. I am looking forward to reading her upcoming books.

Authors, authors, authors

The Blue Metropolis Literature festival is now on! Last year they introduced a new component - children's literature. Our library is fortunate to have 3 amazing authors visit our facility this week. We have Jennifer Lloyd this morning, Monique Polak tomorrow and Anne Renaud on Sunday afternoon. Feel free to come and listen to them speak about their books and their writing process.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

All you ever wanted to know about volcanoes

We are really lucky -the Redpath Museum is coming to the library on May 17th to talk about volcanoes. The museum always puts on a great show. At the end of their talk, we will make our own volcanoes and make them erupt. Should be a good time. Tickets are required for this event...$2.00.