Thursday, April 8, 2010

Our book of the month is .....

This month, our featured book is Oliver has something to Say by Pamela Edwards.  This book was chosen because we have the pleasure of having the illustrator, Louis Pilon come to the library to talk about this book as part of the children's festival for Blue Metropolis.  It is a great book which I instantly loved because it reminded me of my youngest child who was always trying to say something but his siblings would talk for him.   We were worried for awhile because he never spoke but then we realized that when he was alone, he talked up a storm!  Mr. Pilon will be at the library on Wednesday, April 21 at 1:00 p.m.  Come and see him if you have a chance.

For more on the book, go to our on-line book of the month website:

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

New online catalogue features

The library has updated its online catalogue to bring more features to you.  We have acquired the services of Library Thing which is a public cataloguing website where you can create your own book collection with your own tags on the books.  This is then tied to the larger picture of what other people have tagged the book which offers you suggestions on similar books.  We have now implemented this onto our catalogue which gives you more book suggestions.  Also, you can review the books that you have read and read other people's comments on books you might want to read.  All in all, this is a great new tool for finding books to read and recommending books to other people.  I highly encourage you to check it out and also to go to librarything and create your own book collecton there.  Have fun!!!!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

New Programs for the Spring Summer Session

Our new brochure will be coming out for the new spring/summer session.  A lot of the activities are on the website already.

Upcoming events include:
Geordie Productions on April 11 will be coming to the library to put on a play for us.

Marvelous Munsch will be happening on May 16.  We will be reading lots of Munsch books and doing some activities related to the books.  It will be lots of fun.