Thursday, March 11, 2010

Alice in Wonderland

I went this past week to see the new version of Alice in Wonderland - directed by Tim Burton.  I was super-excited to see it because I love Tim Burton as well as most of the cast (Johnny Depp, Helena Bonham Carter, Alan Rickman and Anne Hathaway).  I came away from the movie thinking that it was good but not quite as , to quote my son, "magical".  My younger kids absolutely loved it and were blown away by many of the scenes.  I would still go and see it again and do recommend it to everyone, I just think I set the bar too high in regards to my expectations. 

What are your thoughts???

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Cool Website for a Wednesday

What a beautiful day outside.  The sun is shining and it is suppose to go up to 7 today.  Happy days!!!  What to find out more about weather in general?  Here are so websites that you can look at:

Environment Canada:

Weather Network:

Sky Diary: Kids Storm:

Web Weather for kids:

View a virtual twister:

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


We were treated to a wonderful performance of Fiestango this past Sunday.  It was a musical play explaining the origins of the tango.  The performers enthralled the audience with their musical instruments: the bass, the violen and keyboards.  I was absolutely impressed with the concentration and attention that the kids had for the play.  It is not often that you see a room full of young kids listening attentivley and not squirming in their seats.  Here is a peek of what we saw:

Monday, March 8, 2010

Closing Ceremonies for Winter Reading Club

Our Winter Reading Club ended yesterday.  We had a total of 29 participants which was pretty good.  In total, the kids read combined 1037 books.  Congratualtions to our winners:  Sean, Ceili, Liam, Jayden,Aiden, Julia, Milla, Frank and Rebecca!  We look forward to seeing everyone participate in the Summer Reading Club!